back in the wind and the books and the cold.
one more month- i can't believe it.
i get excited and giddy thinking that spring might be just around the corner..
last year at the end of april i wandered a half empty sackville with Dave. we were buddies, and we set out in search of someone like us- someone not studying for an exam. it was an easy friendship because he had jen and i had ben. a distinct lack of tension. he was the only one in residence who knew about me. i had to tell him because i had to tell someone.
and he didn't care. he didn't say how 'cool' it was, or 'fuct' it was, like they did.
we emptied the whole residence, because that was his job. it was the last day and there was no one left. we could run down the halls and shout at the top of our lungs. we pack up our stuff, walked out and locked the door behind us. we carried his crap up 3 flights of narrow stairs at the new place. i just tagged along, but it was a wonderful stress-free, closure-inducing day.
but the important thing was that i was wearing a tank top and sandals all day.
just think- that could be just around the corner: only a month away.