Thursday, September 16, 2004

*whistle* [you know, the 2-tone kind guys make when they see a hot girl]
peep peep.
peep peep.
whistle whistle whistle whistle whistle whistle... .tweet.
peep peep whistle SCREECH! whistle squack.

it's getting ugly.

101 ways to kill Damen :
(Carolyn's pet Cockatile)

1) introduce him to Melissa's pet Hershey
2) let him 'fly free' and tell him to "hurry up and fly south little fucker" before sackville winters catch up.
3) sell him to the biology department for experiments
4) "Oh REALLY? I thought cyanide was Healthy for birds!! silly me.."
5) Give him a bath in a deep deep tub.

6) Tropical stir fry... Tastes like chicken.
7) I always wanted a feather pillow.
8) a fight to the death with cleary. [hmm.. that may not give the desired result]
feel free to add to the list from the comments section!!


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