Saturday, December 18, 2004

Smells like Pine

I got in on thursday, Sarah flew in from Ottawa yesterday, Jesse comes in on christmas eve, and the house will be officially full. The fridge is so packed with food, it was like playing tetris trying to get everything to fit. We spent the day cleaning house and making decorative arrangements with pine and holly. Tonight we're putting up the xmas tree and having a belated birthday celebration for Jamie, who turned 20 on monday. We may not be the kind of family that spends an hour on the phone together everyday, but damn we pull it together when it counts.

Hope to see you all tonight, Sarah and I will probably meet y'all at Pitchman's. [Incidentally, what street is Pitchman's on? I can't remember where it is, or where I can park....]

Also.. I'm trying to use caps again. I don't know why. I don't think I like them.


Blogger Kathryn said...

Pitchman's is on the corner of Brunswick and Prince.

5:48 PM  

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