Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Decmocracy and other Illusions

There is an argument to be made regarding the nature of democracy as we excersize it. Not "as we know it", because i do believe that somewhere down there, we think we know what democracy is and is supposed to be.

But there is a discrepency between what we believe we need democracy to be, and what will actually allow us to 'get along just fine'. Industrialization is often equated with the rise of capitalism and democratic rights. However, industrialism and commercialism have taken ever as our high priorities. What enters our thoughts and occupies our minds more- our right to vote and to stand as a voice of society, or our right to choice as consumers?

In a buyers market, we are satisfied by the restricting nature of choice. We feel content at our ability to excercize control over our lives by making purchases, by consuming or avoiding consumption at will. It appears empowering.
The little things empower us- and allow us to be distracted from our utter lack of control in all other issues.

I change the colour of my blog. I have complete and utter control [to the best of my html abilities] over my web space. I feel empowered. I can change the fonts in my word proccessor. I can relish in the sheer beauty of capitalism and boycott any corporation of my choosing. I have the illusion of choice.


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