Tuesday, October 05, 2004

You know when things
start to get out of hand?

they begin to get so busy you're not sure what to tackle first.. you're mind can't make any decisions because it's not sure where to focus?.. you end up doing less instead of more.. you feel like you can't handle anything, but somehow it all gets handled, and you're left not knowing if you actually did it yourself or not because you've been in such a daze?

that's too bad. guess it's just me.

pop-quizes, study through tonight with coffee break in a while, phone number on my wrist, work no play tomorrow, trying to make plans, fail my midterm thursday, catch the class film, nerves, dinner, pack, home friday afternoon, geek beer, grawood, shopping, family, research, presentation- stop. ugh.


Blogger Suzanne Zappia said...

why did my comments leave me? :(

11:23 PM  

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