Thursday, April 29, 2004


my second day on the job, and i get offered a promotion. the globe and mail wants me to stay beyond my initial 2 week position, through at least into july, as a replacement "senior branch coordinator". i'd get a raise [i'm already making 10$ an hour...], and damn would it ever look good on a resume.

idano, i have to find out what exactly this new position would entail. i don't know much of anything about most of the things she listed:
"administration, sales, marketing and promotional support services to a team of distribution agents, consultants, merchandisers, business partners, suppliers and customers."

she [my boss, and mom's best friend] likes jargon. i'll have to talk to her tomorrow about it and get her to dumb it down a bit so i can try to figure out what i'd actually be doing...

the down side is that if i take it, i'll be looking for work again in july/august.. which isn't the most opportune time.
the up side, it that with the money i'll be making it might not matter if i don't work august.


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